Mid Coast
Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding & Removal Services

The Stump Grinders you can count on 





Mid Coast Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding Service

Welcome to Mid Coast Stump Grinding, we guarantee an affordable stump grinding service to the Mid Coast of NSW.

We are equipped with The Bandit 2450 XP, this machine boasts a massive 117 horse-power diesel engine, enabling it tackle even the largest stumps while remaining compact enough to fit through most backyards. 

It’s cutting wheel has 24 carbide teeth, allowing it to grind stumps up to 400mm below ground level quickly safely. With the Bandit 2450 XP, we can efficiently remove stumps while also leaving your property clean.

There isn’t a stump that can withstand Mid Coast Stump Grinding, we boasts the horse-power needed to remove the most toughest stumps. We are also equipped with Stump Grinders capable to reach those tight spots.

If your ready for a tree stump to be removed from your property, Contact Mid Coast Stump Grinding today so we can remove your stump 

Grinding a tree stump has many advantages


Removing a tree stump completely can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Stump grinding, on the other hand, is a more cost-effective option. Our efficient machines can quickly grind the stump down to below ground level, without the need for extensive digging and removal.

Safer and cleaner

Digging up a tree stump can leave a large hole in your yard that is both unsightly and potentially dangerous. Stump grinding, however, eliminates the stump entirely, leaving a clean and level surface that is safe for you and your family.

Environmentally friendly

Removing a stump from the ground often involves the use of heavy machinery and can damage surrounding vegetation. Stump grinding, on the other hand, is a more eco-friendly option that leaves the surrounding area intact.

quicker results

Stump grinding is a fast and efficient process that can be completed in a matter of hours. Traditional removal methods, on the other hand, can take days or even weeks to complete.

What is stump grinding

Why Mid Coast Stump Grinding

Why bother with the hassle of renting a stump grinder when you can simply hire us ? Mid Coast Stump Grinding provides reliable and affordable stump grinding services that take the burden off your shoulders.

We understand that tree stump removal may not seem like a priority until it becomes a necessity. That’s why we offer an affordable stump grinding service to eliminate any necessity that the tree stump had, leaving you with a clear and spacious outdoor area to continue with your landscaping ideas.

Ready for an on-site evalution

Do you need to arrange a tree stump removal in Taree ? We'll preform a free on-site evaluation when you book a job


Stump grinding is the process of using a specialized machine called a stump grinder to mechanically remove a tree stump from the ground. The grinder uses a spinning cutting wheel with sharp teeth to grind the stump into small wood chips and sawdust, which can be used as mulch or easily disposed of.

Stump grinding is generally considered a better option than stump removal because it is less invasive, faster, and more cost-effective. Stump removal involves digging out the entire stump, including the roots, which can damage your landscaping and leave a large hole in your yard. Stump grinding, on the other hand, simply grinds the stump down to ground level, leaving the roots to decompose naturally. Weekly Progress Reviews

The time it takes to grind a stump can vary depending on the size and location of the stump, as well as the type of stump grinder being used. In general, however, most stumps can be ground down in just a few hours, with some larger or more difficult stumps taking a full day or more.

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